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Component Basics

Creating Components

Components are created as Razor files (.razor) that combine HTML markup with C# code.

@* MyComponent.razor *@
<div class="my-component">

@code {
    public string Title { get; set; }

    public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; }

Using Components

Components can be used in other components or pages using HTML-like syntax.

<MyComponent Title="Hello World">
    <p>This is child content.</p>

Component Naming

  • Must start with an uppercase letter
  • Usually end with .razor extension
  • Follow Pascal case naming convention
  • Should be meaningful and descriptive

Component Location

Components can be organized in different ways:

  • In the Pages folder for routable components
  • In the Shared folder for reusable components
  • In feature-specific folders for domain components
  • In separate class libraries for shared components