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Data Binding in Blazor

One-way binding

One-way data binding is used to display data in the UI. The data flows from the component to the UI elements.

<p>Count: @count</p>
<span>Total: @CalculateTotal()</span>

@code {
    private string message = "Hello Blazor";
    private int count = 0;
    private decimal CalculateTotal() => 100.50m;

Two-way binding

Two-way data binding allows changes in the UI to be reflected in the code and vice versa. Blazor provides two main binding syntaxes: @bind and @bind-Value.

Using @bind

@bind is used with standard HTML elements and is the default binding syntax in Blazor:

<input @bind="message" />
<input @bind="message" @bind:event="oninput" />
<input @bind:get="message" @bind:set="UpdateMessage" />

@code {
    private string message = "";
    private void UpdateMessage(string value)
        message = value;
        // Additional processing

Using @bind-Value

@bind-Value is specifically used with Blazor's built-in form input components and provides additional features like:

  • Automatic type conversion
  • Integration with form validation
  • Works with EditForm component
<EditForm Model="model">
    <InputText @bind-Value="model.Name" />
    <InputNumber @bind-Value="model.Age" />
    <InputSelect @bind-Value="model.Category">
        <option value="">Select...</option>
        <option value="A">Category A</option>
        <option value="B">Category B</option>

@code {
    private UserModel model = new();

Binding with Different Events

You can specify which event triggers the binding update:

<!-- Update on input (every keystroke) -->
<input @bind="message" @bind:event="oninput" />

<!-- Update on change (default - when focus is lost) -->
<input @bind="message" @bind:event="onchange" />

Format Strings

You can specify format strings for numeric and date values:

<input @bind="price" @bind:format="C2" />
<input @bind="date" @bind:format="yyyy-MM-dd" />

@code {
    private decimal price = 19.99m;
    private DateTime date = DateTime.Now;